Hey! Welcome on the L1V3 B0X project page!

    if you're a fellow electronic music composer and a MIDI enthusiast, you might be interested!

    If you want to know what this stuff is about, you can start reading this or if you want to get started right away, you can click here.

    Your feedback and support are invaluable as I continue to refine and expand it. So, If you're interested, you can follow this project on Facebook or Youtube

    Please note that this project is currently in its very early alpha stage. While I am excited to share it with you, I want to remind you that it may not be suitable for professional applications at this time.

    Example presets



    Reverse CC

    Note Quantizer

    My Presets

    Soon, you'l be able to save your own presets
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    No fields to display here

    <h1>Why does this thing exists?</h1> <p>Let's try to explain wht i had to create this MIDI Hub in the first place.</p> <h2>Introduction</h2> <p>I don't know you, but I use a lot of boxes and gear to create the perfect MIDI routing for my live setup.</p> <p><img src="/img/docs/midiboxs.jpg" alt="" /></p> <p>To obtain this perfect MIDI chain, I had to use multiple instances of MIDI hubs, mergers, filters, hoping to achieve the desired outcome. While I was at some point confident that the Blokas MIDI Hub would replace them all with its interesting customizable approach, it ultimately turned out to be a poor fit for me, primarily due to the lack of Sysex implementation.</p> <p>Therefore in 2019, I decided to create my own custom gear that would perfectly fit my needs. Despite being a developer, I had to venture into the field of electronic engineering, which was a completely new challenge for me.</p> <h2>Ok then</h2> <p>I need merging, i need filtering, i need rerouting, but most importantly : i need to precisely configure how and when.</p> <h2>The Hub-and-spoke approach</h2> <p>Instead of creating a long chain of gear like we used to in the past, i like the idea of making a Hub &amp; Spoke configuration.<br /> Having one engine to control everything in the center.<br /> I can now give superpowers to my controller. Make them do computation they were not supposed to do. Allowing me to communicate to multiple of them with the tip of one finger.</p> <p><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoke%E2%80%93hub_distribution_paradigm">Hub-and-spoke paradigm on wikipedia</a></p> <h2>The MIDISOlutions Event processor to the rescue</h2> <p>This is the grandpa of this approch. This thing has more than 10 years old when writing this article.<br /> The concept was truly novative for that time. But hey, only one input, one output, and only 32 slots of memory? That's a shame for the 21st century bro.<br /> Knowinf that this peace of gear is sold for about 150 € in europe, still today.</p> <p>And did i tell you this box is a pain in the a... to program?</p> <h2>Ok,so what about the Blokas MIDI HUb then?</h2> <p>We could thinkg it's way better than the Event processor? well... some features are cool, don't get me wrong, but where are Sysex messages ??<br /> Most of my older and vintage synth rely a lot on sysex. Without them i'm very limited if i take The Access Virus as an example.</p> <p>(to be continued)<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;</p>
